11 records  
Number  Name Description (tasks and duties) Unit Groups 


Working Proprietors (Wholesale and Retail Trade)Workers in this unit group conduct businesses in wholesale and retail trade on their own behalf or in partnership. Their functions include: purchasing goods of the types, qualities and quantities required; selling goods to retailers, industrial, commercial or other establishments or to individual customers; acting as intermediaries between buyers and sellers of goods. Producer-vendors, such as bakers or butchers are coded as producers (Major Groups 7, 8, 9). Retailer and Wholesalers can be additionally coded by PRODUCT.


BuyersWorkers in this unit group buy goods for resale or use on behalf of wholesale, retail, industrial or other establishments or institutions.


Technical Salesmen and Service AdvisersWorkers in this unit group sell, and perform specialised information duties in selling, technical products or services. Their functions include: selling technical equipment, supplies or services using their specialised knowledge of the technology of the composition, utilisation and maintenance of the goods or equipment sold; advising customers on the application, installation and operation of technical equipment and other products bought.


Commercial Travellers and Manufacturers AgentsWorkers in this unit group sell goods on a wholesale basis in an allotted geographical area. Their functions include: soliciting orders and selling goods to retail industrial, wholesale and other establishments; selling products of one or more home or foreign manufacturers to wholesale, retail and other establishments.


Insurance, Real Estate, Securities and Business Services Salesmen and Auctioneers, Specialisation UnknownWorkers in this unit group may perform any (but not all) occupational activities described in minor group 4-4.


Insurance, Real Estate and Securities SalesmenWorkers in this unit group sell insurance, real estate and securities or are associated with these activities. Their functions include: selling life, endowment, fire, accident and other types of insurance; selling and leasing property such as building lots, houses, apartments and estates, on a commission basis; purchasing and selling stocks and bonds of public or private organisations for customers on a commission basis; performing other tasks directly related to the foregoing.


Business Services SalesmenWorkers in this unit group sell business and advertising services. Their functions include: selling such services as provision of credit information, address listing, printing, theft and fire protection or cleaning services; arranging contracts for use of theatres and concerts halls for particular performances, for rental of motion picture films, or for live broadcasting of spectacles; selling advertising services; performing related tasks.


AuctioneersWorkers in this unit group sell property and goods by auction, value property and goods and assess losses covered by insurance policies. Their functions include: selling various kinds of property and goods, such as real estate, furniture, livestock, far products and objets d'art, by auction; determining the value of real estate, industrial equipment, personal and other objects; assessing the liabilities of insurance companies and underwriters for losses covered by insurance policies.


Salesmen, Shop Assistants and DemonstratorsWorkers in this unit group sell and demonstrate goods in wholesale and retail establishments. Their functions include: selling goods in a wholesale establishment to retailers or large-scale consumers; selling goods to customers of a retail establishment; dressing in clothes for sale to display them for customers in manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers showrooms; demonstrating and explaining qualities and functions of goods; performing other tasks related to the forgoing. Salesmen, shop assistants and demonstrators can additionally be coded by PRODUCT.


Street Vendors, Canvassers and News VendorsWorkers in this unit group sell goods or solicit orders on streets or from door to door. Their functions include: selling such goods as fruit, vegetables, ice-cream, coal or wood and soliciting business from door to door; selling newspapers on streets and distributing them to regular subscribers; performing other itinerant selling tasks. Street vendors can additionally be coded by PRODUCT.


Sales Workers Not Elsewhere ClassifiedWorkers in this unit group perform various selling tasks not elsewhere classified. Their functions include: lending money to customers on pledge or bonds; selling refreshments and confectionery in places of entertainment; performing various other selling tasks.
  11 records  

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