4 documents  
  1. A short note on HISCLASS
    Recently a social class scheme (HISCLASS) based on HISCO has been made by Marco H.D. van Leeuwen and Ineke Maas. You can use the full scheme, with 12 social classes, or the condensed version with 7 classes as e.g. in the 2005 supplement on social homogamy of the International Review of Social History. This document provides some background information on the HISCLASS scheme.
    hisclass-brief.doc (90 Kb)
  2. Recode job unspecified workers
    For unspecified workers (HISCO 99900 and 99920), it is unclear whether they should be classified as farm workers or unskilled workers, see part three of the recode job. If unspecified workers are common in your data, you may use our procedure to classify these workers using information on the occupational distribution in their place of residence.
    unspecifiedworkers.sps (7 Kb)
  3. SPSS recode job HISCO into HISCLASS
    All hiscodes except two can be recoded automatically in HISCLASS, using an spss recode job.
    With the release of their new book HISCLASS, authors Marco van Leeuwen and Ineke Maas provide a new HISCO to HISCLASS file.
    We recommend you use this file but leave the older file online for verification of earlier research results.
    hisco_hisclass12_book@_numerical.inc (28 Kb)
  4. SPSS recode job HISCO into HISCLASS (old version)
    All hiscodes except two can be recoded automatically in HISCLASS, using this spss recode job.
    hisco_hisclass12a_@.inc (38 Kb)

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